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海外留学考试咨询 Standard Test Consultation


  • 30 分鐘
  • Free
  • Massachusetts Avenue


Standard Test Consultation can help you answer questions related to GMAT/ GRE/ SAT/ ACT/ SSAT/ IB/ AP/ TOEFL/ IELTS. With our professional advisors, we can assist you to choose the most suitable tests and make an appropriate preparation schedule. In order to provide high-quality consultation, please make an appointment ONE DAY IN ADVANCE. Thanks for your time and consideration, we look forward to meeting you soon! 为确保服务品质, 烦请您提早一天预约希望的时段, 以便我们安排顾问时间, 感谢您的配合!谢谢!


  • 2014 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, USA

    + 8572856169

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