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海外升学规划咨询 Global Study Consultation

Global Study Consultation is used to assist students and family plan a suitable schedule

  • 30 分鐘
  • Free
  • Massachusetts Avenue


Global Study Consultation can help you answer questions related to choosing schools, application process, preparing standard tests, accomondation, and other questions planning to study aboard. In order to provide high-quality consultation, please make an appointment ONE DAY IN ADVANCE. Thanks for your time and consideration, we look forward to meeting you soon! 为确保服务品质, 烦请您提早一天预约希望的时段, 以便我们安排顾问时间, 感谢您的配合!谢谢!


  • 2014 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, USA

    + 8572856169

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地址: 2014 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02140  l  联系电话: 857-285-6169 l Email:

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